After Scan and Attach has been started for the first time, the installation folder will contain a file labelled Configuration.xml.
This file is required for the configuration of Scan and Attach. It contains sections to the following topics:
General configuration: This section contains the details which are required for the general operation of Scan and Attach. Server environment and licensing details as well as the encryption key are stored here.
Mail configuration: This section contains the details related to informing the users in case of any errors. Besides the regular error log folder, configured users can also be informed directly via mail. Mail server, username and password of the user which will send the mails and other related details are stored here.
Configuration: This section contains all the different databases in which scanned documents will have to be attached. It can contain one or more different databases, which must all be located in the server environment defined in the section general configuration.
In case the .xml-file during handling by mistake is no longer valid, you can always remove it. After restarting Scan and Attach, a new working Configuration.xml will be created.
Mandatory values are labelled with *. Additional information, for example how to change password or reset the encryption key can be found in Configuration.xml.
To insert a new plain text password, either replace current password element with <Password></Password> or set attribute to encrypted=”2” (false) and insert your new plain text password.
To add a new plain text encryption key, replace the existing EncryptionKey with <EncryptionKey></EncryptionKey> or set encrypted attribute to “2” (false) and insert your new encryption key.
General Configuration
EncryptionKey *: Required for encryption of passwords and doesn’t need to be remembered. Will itself be encrypted after first startup of Scan and Attach.
If required, the encryption key can be reset. Please be aware that all currently encrypted passwords can then no longer be encrypted and will have to be reentered in plain text.Licensing:
InstallationNumber *: This number is available as part of an existing SAP Business One environment. It can be retrieved via Help → About SAP Business One.
SystemNumber *: This number is available as part of an existing SAP Business One environment.
HardwareKey *: This number is available as part of an existing SAP Business One environment.
Validity: Part of the Scan and Attach licensing process. Will be filled out automatically and doesn’t need to be configured.
Mail Configuration
SendMail *: Decides if any mails should be sent. The following details are only mandatory if sending of mails is activated.
Server *: SMTP-server which will be sending the mails.
Port *: Port on which the SMTP-server can be contacted.
EnableSSL: Configure according to requirements of SMTP-server , default is false.
Sender Address *: This address is used when sending out any error mails.
Username: Login which is used to contact the SMTP-server.
Password: Plain text passwords will get encrypted on the first startup of the Service.
TestConnection: Will test the connection to the SMTP-server during startup of Scan and Attach. Doesn’t send out an actual message. Default is false.
Database Configuration
This section can be repeated, for each SAP Business One database that you would like to use. They must all be part of the same installation (see licensing details in General Configuration).
Type *: The type of your database server. Currently, the following are available:
4 = MSSQL2005
6 = MSSQL2008
7 = MSSQL2012
8 = MSSQL2014
10 = MSSQL2016
11 = MSSQL2017
15 = MSSQL2019Name *: The name of your database server. Mandatory if server type is any of the MSSQL server types, otherwise, it is not required.
HANAInstanceName *: The instance name of your HANA database server. Mandatory, if server type is HANADB, otherwise, it is not required.
Username *: The user name of your database user. Usually, this user is also configured as the database user for SAP Business One. It will require full read / write access to the configured database.
Password *: Plain text passwords will get encrypted on the first startup of the Service.
Company *: The name of our SAP Business One database / company.
Username *: The user name of the SAP Business One user, which will be used for any transactions with SAP Business One. For these transactions, it requires at least a Indirect Access-license.
Password *: Plain text passwords will get encrypted on the first startup of the Service.
LicenseServer *: The license server address, including port, for example localhost:30000
SourceFolder *: Location in which scanned, unhandled files are placed.
ManualSourceFolder *: Location in which prepared files, labelled according to the definition are placed. Documents in this folder will not be checked for QR codes.
InProgressFolder *: Location in which the file analysis and splitting is done. Files not placed by the Service will be moved to the error folder.
TargetFolder *: Location in which splitted files are placed and final location before they are attached to SAP Business One. Files not placed by the Service will be moved to the error folder.
ErrorFolder *: Location in which files with errors, manually placed files in unexpected locations or non-.pdf documents found in SourceFolder are placed. It also contains the folder ‘Error Log’ containing details to the errors.
ArchiveFolder: Location in which files are placed after they have been attached to a SAP Business One object.
Using the archiving functionality requires a premium license for Scan and Attach.ErrorMails / Recipients: Users, which will receive a mail of any errors that have appeared during startup of Service or if there is an issue while processing a file. All errors are always logged in the ‘Error Folder’ or the ‘ErrorLog Folder’. Therefore, it is optional to send errors via a mail. In case you don’t want to send any mails, deactivate SendMail (see section mail configuration). Alternatively, keep node ‘ErrorMails’ and only remove any ‘Recipient’ nodes. Important: In order to be accepted as a valid recipient both ‘name’ as well an e-mail value need to be provided. Please be aware that each e-mail can only be used once per database and will not be checked for structural correctness.