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The Approval Portal is designed as SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Application. This means, its hosted and maintained by DATA UNIT AG. The Approval Portal is secured by KeyCloak. Below, you can find infrastructure setup.

In this setup, the whole application is hosted and maintained by DATA UNIT AG. The Application is hosted on a ISO 27001 certified Cluster. If documents are needed, they can be provided.


KeyCloak is an Identity Provider and provides the user with several possibilities for Single Sign On (SSO). Such as AzureAD, Microsoft Active Directory (LDAP) or other Social Logins (Google, Facebook) or simple SAP Login (Database).

Self Hosted

As already mentioned, the application is designed as SaaS Application. Sometimes, the customer has some criticial security requirements and does not want to open any ports.

For this purpose, its possible to install the System OnPremise. Due to its non-alignment with the current scenario, additional manpower is required for installation, incurring associated costs. The extent of these costs varies depending on the specifications of the customer's system and will be individually calculated for each installation.


  • Ubuntu Server in the latest LTS Version is needed (for best expierence a dedicated VM)

  • Wildcard Certificate for Domain

  • Internal DNS Entries fo

    • keycloak.your-domain.com

    • approval.your-domain.com

In this scenario, KeyCloak, PostgreSQL and the Approval Portal will be installed on a Micro Kubernetes System located on the Ubuntu Server. Everything is maintained by the Customer. Its not possible to install Updates Over the Air.

Hybrid Hosted

Because the installation of KeyCloak takes a while, its possible to make a hybrid installation. In this scenario, the Approval will use the KeyCloak hosted on the DATA UNIT AG Servers.

In this case, its not needed to open Ports. Only a valid certificate and internal DNS Settings are required.

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