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The Deployment Agent is a Windows service. It ensures that the locally installed DUif interfaces are always up to date. The SetupAgent is in constant contact with the licence portal, which is always the leading system.

Once the SetupAgent has been installed, all configurations are carried out online in the licence portal.


As already mentioned, the SetupAgent is part of the licence portal. In order for the SetupAgent OnPremis to be installed, the customer and the desired system must first be entered in the licence portal by the consultant.


Once the customer and the desired system have been entered, the SetupAgent can be downloaded in the detailed view of the corresponding system.

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The downloaded file is a ZIP file that is best downloaded directly to the customer system on which the agent is to be installed.

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Phase 1

Administrator rights are required to install the SetupAgentSetup.msi installation file. In addition, any system policies must be taken into account or configured so that an MSI file can be installed on the system.

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The first phase of the installation is started and the agent is installed as a Windows service. After installation, the service is started automatically and starts the second phase of the installation.

Phase 2

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Enter the e-mail address you used to register in the licence portal.

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Next, you must confirm that you have the necessary authorisation to carry out the installation by entering the password.

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If everything has been set up correctly in the licence portal, you will find your desired system in the list. Select it and continue with the Next button.

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The DUif interface(s) to be implemented require the existence of a MongoDB database. The agent checks whether an installation is available. If there is none on the system, a new MongoDB database is installed and put into operation.

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Next, the agent needs access to the database server on which the SAP databases are located. A distinction must be made here as to whether it is an SQL server or a HANA server.

The access credentials used must have the authorisation level of a database administrator.


If a test environment is required, the SAP user to be used, including the password for the database(s) in question, must be entered here.


As in the previous step, the database to be used for production can be specified here. However, this can also be done later directly in the licence portal at any time.

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Once the setup is complete, the DU Deployment Agent service will attempt to install a DUif interface for the selected databases.

Please note that this step may take 1-2 minutes until the desired interfaces are ready for operation.

Sometimes the connection to the Service Layer fails and


To check whether everything has run correctly and the interfaces have been started, you should check the services in the windows system settings.

The desired DUif services should be listed there after the above-mentioned time.


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Log files

To gain a deeper insight into how the DU Deployment Agent works, you can analyse its log files.

The log files can normally be found under C:\ProgramData\duif\logs during an installation with the suggested default paths

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