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This provides an overview of the objects that are imported and updated using Yokoy Connect.







Cost Objects






No customization is possible from the front-end. Customization requests must be discussed in a project and may lead to additional costs.


Basic Functionality

Sync Frequency

  • First trigger

  • Based on changes

Prerequisites to sync users to Yokoy

As a default the synced user will not be invited to join Yokoy. If this is needed it must be set before starting the sync.

Manual import

If there are already users in Yokoy you must map them to the users in SAP. The mapping is done using the UUID from the SAP Business ByDesign employee (without hyphen '-'). This information can be imported in Yokoy either manually or via a POST request. If you use a post request, you need to update the field customerinformation.exernalId. For more information check https://docs.yokoy.ai/#tag/User/paths/~1users~1%7BuserId%7D/patch.

Check the E-Mail Address of the Yokoy User and the SAP Business ByDesign User. It should be the same e-mail address for both users.

Field Mapping

The field mapping details is documented here: . It can be checked upon request.


Basic Functionality

Sync Frequency

Prerequisites to sync cost objects to Yokoy

Field Mapping

The field mapping details is documented here: /wiki/spaces/BYDYOKOY/pages/3665952769. It can be checked upon request.

Suppliers INVOICE

Basic Functionality

Sync Frequency

Prerequisites to sync suppliers to Yokoy

Field Mapping

The field mapping details is documented here: . It can be checked upon request.

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