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Basic Functionality

When an expense report in Yokoy has the status reviewed, then a journal entry voucher will be created in SAP with that information.

Export Frequency

When an expense report in Yokoy has the status reviewed, then a journal entry voucher will be created in SAP with that information.

Prerequisites to sync expenses to Yokoy

Field Mapping

The field mapping details is documented here: /wiki/spaces/BYDYOKOY/pages/3667263489. It can be checked upon request.

Card Transaction Expenses

Basic Functionality

Export Frequency

Prerequisites to sync card transaction expenses to Yokoy

Field Mapping

The field mapping details is documented here: . It can be checked upon request.

Known Limitations

Check Known Limitations to discover current known limitations.


Basic Functionality

Supplier Invoices as well as Credit memos

Export Frequency

Based on the functionality there are two sync frequencies:

Status In Approval

Status Ready to be Exported

Prerequisites to sync invoices to Yokoy

Field Mapping

The field mapping details is documented here: /wiki/spaces/BYDYOKOY/pages/3952738310. It can be checked upon request.

Known Limitations

Check Known Limitations to discover current known limitations.

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