Versionen im Vergleich


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title 2024-10-22 - v2.5.0.1 - c95fe2e9
  • PRODEV-2500: Adding validator making sure that the amount is never negative

  • PRODEV-2641: Adding missing InstrId field

title 2024-10-22 - v2.5.1 - e95560c3
  • PRODEV-2500: Adding validator making sure that the amount is never negative
  • PRODEV-2641: Adding missing InstrId field
title 2024-10-03 - v2.5.0 - d5f71dfd
  • PRODEV-2584: Making sure the IBAN has no spaces

title 2024-09-27 - v2.4.0 - 671f0568
  • PRODEV-2310: Adding logging step that logs the input data

  • PRODEV-2547: Not adding the address for IBAN payments when the address is not present or complete

  • PRODEV-2560: Capitalisation of IBAN numbers, because small letters are not part of a valid IBAN

title 2024-08-16 - v2.3.1 - 0fdaf4c9
  • Adding monitoring endpoints

title 2024-08-06 - v2.3.0 - ba8dcd07
  • PRODEV-2118: Adding License checking transformer step

  • PRODEV-2171: Adding integration tests, that allow adding files with test cases

  • PRODEV-2229: Fixing the address splitting. It allows now street only, or splits off any number leading suffix

title 2024-07-08 - v2.2.4 - 9307c7fe
  • PRODEV-2156: Allowing empty bic as an input

  • PRODEV-2158: Fixing the USA bank routing

  • PRODEV-2157: Refactoring the transformer to use more of the spring framework allowing DI

  • Adding automatic Release Notes generation
