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When will invoices be exported to SAP?

Invoices will be exported at two specific times.

In Approval / In Review
As soon as an invoice needs to be approved or is in review in Yokoy, the invoice will be synced with SAP with the current data and blocked for payment.

Ready for Export
As soon as the invoice is approved and ready to export the invoice will be synced with SAP, overwriting the current data and unblocking the invoice for payment.


What does the error message Tax code not configured for country [Country] (KBA: 2791195)”? mean?

This means that the combination of the fields VAT code (ERP) and Country defined in Yokoy for the used tax code in the Yokoy line item does not exist in SAP Business ByDesign.

Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 11.35.20-20241002-093533.png

In SAP Business ByDesign you see the available tax rates in the activities of the implementation project. For more information see